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Programs copy and edit tools for fx-5800P

CcFxTools for fx-5800P

Programs copy tool for FX-603P,FX-890P,FX-870P,VX-4,Z-1GRa ,etc.

New CcLinker FP

The app has been upgraded to version 3.4.

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CcLinker sales site

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Programs copy and edit tools for fx-5800P

CcLinker and CcEditor

The fx-5800P is a calculator with a programming language like Basic.

To back up the program,there is only way to purchase another fx-5800P.

With CcLinker,you can copy(backup) fx-5800P programs to your Windows computer(PC).

With CcEditor,programs backed up to a PC can be edited and You can also create new programs.

Free application

Program copy(Backup) tool

CcLinker manual CcEditor

Program edit tool

CcEditor manual CcEditor

Programs copy tool for FX-603P,FX-870P, etc.

CcLinker FP

CcLinker FP is free application that copies the FX-603P programs to a Windows PC. The transfer speed can be 4 times, 8 times, and 16 times the initial speed of FX-603P.

You can switch to FA8 mode for FX-870P,FX-860P,VX-4, etc.

Click the TakuMako logo at the bottom right of the form to switch to FA8 mode.

Double-click to switch to debug mode. You can monitor the contents of the transferring program.


Debug mode screen


List of calculator that can be use

CcLinker FP CcLinker

How to use CcLinker FP

Download free application

You can download the free application from the link below.


Sell on eBay

You need an adapter Dongle to copy the program.


Selling on eBay

If you are interested in CcLinker,please click the eBay

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